Magic Resistance Not to be confused by Damage Reduction Vs. (DRV) Magic Resistance is the percent chance that a character will be completely unaffected by a spell. This resistance check is in addition to any Damage Reduction Vs (DRV) benefits the character may have. To determine whether a character is affected by a spell, Magic Resistance is checked first. If successful, the character is unaffected. If unsuccessful, then the DRV check is made to determine the spell's effect. Spells of a beneficial nature are not subject to Magic Resistance for obvious reasons. In addition, some spells are crafted in ways that do not allow for magic resistance. Example: Magic Darts can't be resisted. Note: A character that has protected from 1st level spells will resist ALL 1st level spells. The same holds true for protection from 2nd level spells etc... Damage Reduction Vs. (DRV) Whenever a character is subjected to damage from a magical spell, there is a chance the character will not suffer the full effects of the magic. If a character is successful in their Damage Reduction Vs. (DRV), the damage taken by that character is halved. DRVs are expressed as a percent chance for success. Example: A character with a 20% DRV Heat is hit by a Fire Ball and receives 20 points of damage. A check of DRV Heat will automatically be made. If successful, the damage will be reduced by half, thus the character will only take 10 points of heat damage. In some instances, the effect suffered by the character is an all or nothing deal. For example, as with a charm foe or sandman spell. If the character is successful in DRV Magic, the character is completely unaffected. Some magical attacks require the character to DRV Caster. This means the character must pit his ability to resist the magic against the spell caster's ability to cast it. Charm foe spells are one such example. The character must DRV Caster or be charmed by that spell caster. From time to time an individual member of the party may have to DRV some other attribute. For example.... If the party steps on a trap, those characters that do not DRV Agility may fall in. Therefore, good attribute scores are always of value, even if they do not seem all that important during character creation. See table 3.0 in "Apendix of Tables" Table 3.0 Damage Reduction Adjustments for Race in %